General conditions:

  • *The user (buyer) will only be able to purchase the program if he has downloaded and tested the usability of the trial version of the program to be purchased . This will ensure that the buyer is satisfied with all the functionalities of the downloaded trial version.

*The trial version of Google Maps Scraper can be downloaded at https:/seosoftware.infogoogle-maps-scraper

  • *The trial version has the same functionalities except for the limit on the number of records that can be extracted and other data specific to the paid version which are specified in the download page above.
  • *Google Maps Scraper will extract only publicly available information.
  • * Google Maps Scraper makes use of third party services to operate (Google Maps from Google, LLC) so it will operate only within the limits imposed by the target website, i.e. https:/ or https:/
    • *Because of this, Google Maps Scraper may stop working correctly or show errors if there is a change in the Google Maps source code i if Google Maps information is made private.

*The validity period of each license will be for the duration of the license subscription or the time indicated in the purchase if it is a one-time payment (monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, annual or lifetime license).

*The program will stop working and will go into trial version mode once the validity of the purchased license has expired.

  • * SEO SOFTWARE requires the user to review the product description prior to purchase.
  • *Refund will only be made according to the refund policy mentioned in these Terms and Conditions.


  • * This is a third-party software and is not endorsed or certified by Google Inc .
  • *We have no guarantee that the software will always work, because Google can change the source code of Google Maps and make Google Maps information private. (But we provide software update whenever possible).
  • *We are not responsible for any illegal Activation. Please carefully know all the Terms and Conditions before using.
  • *After activation of the software license key, no refund is applicable in any case.

Technical terms:

  • *When installing the program, make sure that the computer meets the system requirements of the installed program.
  • *Google Maps Scraper is capable of extracting a variable number of records per day. The daily extraction limit may vary depending on the following factors:
    • *Overall limit imposed by the target web site (in this case Google Maps)
    • *Response rate of the target web site

    (tixagag_4) *Bandwidth availability on the user’s computer

    • *Lack of resources on the computer where the program is executed (memory, processing speed, etc.)
    • *Due to other unpredictable reasons such as temporary blocking of the IP, captcha intervention, etc.
    • *The user can transfer the program to different computers any number of times to operate the program from different computers. To do this you must deactivate the license on the computer that is activated, if it is already active, before activating it on a new computer.
      • *Data extracted on the previous computer will not be transferred, only the program license will be transferred.

    Support terms:

      (tixagag_4) *User must raise ticket via
      , when support is required.


    • *The support will be available from Monday to Friday, from 09:00am to 15:00pm (UK time) .

    Maintenance Terms p for subscription users :

    • *When purchasing a subscription, SEO SOFTWARE will automatically charge a payment to the buyer according to the subscription period (monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, yearly, etc).

    *You can cancel your subscription at any time, either through your user panel or by sending a ticket to https:/seosoftware.infoticket-administrator before the subscription charge day.

    • *In case of cancellation or termination of the subscription, the user of the subscription purchase will have to renew the program license once the program validity expires in order to avail support, bug fixes and get perpetual updates.

    Refund policy :

    (tixagag_1) If you have any technical difficulties, please contact us at https:/seosoftware.infoticket-manager . We will be happy to solve any problems.

    • * We allow full refund to all our users (Customers), if the user (Customer) has claimed the refund within 15 days from the date of purchase for any of our programs as long as the license activation of the purchased program has not been performed.
  • * We do not guarantee that the software will always work , because Google can change the source code of Google Maps and make Google Maps information private. (But we provide Software Update whenever possible).
    • *No refund will be made for this reason. In any case we can extend the days of validity of the license in which the program has not been functional for this reason.

    (tixagag_4) *No refund will be made in case it is impossible for us to make changes to the program to make it operational again.

  • *We will assume that the user (Customer) had claimed the full refund due to any of the following reasons:
    • *If the full version of the program (with activated license) does not work the same as the trial version (except those options only available in the paid version).

    *There is no incompatibility problem of our product with any third party software (Antivirus, firewalls, scripts, etc.) other than those specified as compatible in the system requirements.

  • * After activation of the software license key, no refund applies in any case.
  • * How to claim the refund :
    • *The refund request must be made by email to or by opening ticket at https:/seosoftware.infoticket-manager
    • *We ask users to claim the refund mentioning the reason for the dissatisfaction. This will allow us to improve our offer and overcome future inconveniences.